Singer and Drummer

Hey, I’m Brayden Tabakian, and I’m a singer/drummer based out of a small town in Missouri! I’ve been posting drum covers in my bedroom for years and have recently made a transition into being an artist!

My first tv appearance was during the super bowl commercials where I had a video of me playing drums a long with other musicians and singers to Olivia Rodrigo’s song “drivers license.”

Shortly after that I got an opportunity with gap! I was told it was just going to be a photoshoot but after a lot of fun, the directors decided to put me in a commercial as well.

In the commercial I got to show off me spinning my drumsticks which aired across the world!

“Everyday is a new opportunity. Don’t be afraid to try new things.” @braydentabakian


Social Stats

  • TikTok: 2M followers and 43M Likes on TikTok

  • Instagram: 555K followers on Instagram


  • How did you get started in the music industry?

    Brayden: I’ve known a lot about the industry since I was a young teenager playing drums. My dream was to play for the top artist by touring and even being in music videos as a drummer. Lately I’ve gotten to learn so much more as I’ve made a transition from being a drummer to now being a singer as well. I really got my start at the age of 13 when my parents bought me my first drum kit. My fascination with music has taken off ever since then and is constantly developing!

  • Which of your songs is most meaningful for you?

    Brayden: My most meaningful song to me is one I wrote a few months ago called “Age Like Wine.” I plan to release it at the end of October! As for my other songs I have already released, my most meaningful one is “Body Language.” I love this song because this is the first song I really got to let my voice shine on and unexpectedly too. At the time this song came about, I was in a band and my plan was just to drum on it and release it with the other singers. In the last couple months of working on it I decided to hop on the mic and that’s when everything changed for me.

  • What advice do you have for people looking to get more out of social media?

    Brayden: Create more than you consume! I think the best thing to do is to create as much as you can and pour your heart into it. Everyday is a new opportunity to put your content out on your favorite platforms! Don’t be afraid to try new things and to even stop doing old things. I didn’t wake up with a following overnight but it was something I built over the last 5 years and I believe anyone can do it as long as they do it consistently!

  • What is your favorite way to spend a day off?

    Brayden: I always find myself calling or texting people a lot, whether that’s friends back home or even catching up with family. I’m not the best at taking naps or even being alone and relaxing. I get bored really fast so I’m always trying to surround myself with fun people when I can! I also love to workout even on days off. I’ll go to the gym and vibe out to my Spotify playlist while I do my routine.

  • What are some locations on your bucket list to travel to, and why?

    Brayden: I would love to travel to Israel. My parents went before I was born and they loved it. I would really like to see the biblical history there and everything else they have. I would also love to travel to turkey! I have fans from all over the world, however a lot of them are from turkey. When the time is right, I would love to go and do a show out there.

  • What are some events coming up that you are looking for to?

    Brayden: I’m mainly looking forward to moving out of my small town and going to LA! I plan to move this next month and I think it will change my life. Shortly after that I’ll be releasing my song “Age Like Wine.” to the world!

  • What’s the best way for people to find your music and to find you on social media?

    Brayden: It’s @braydentabakian on every platform! I mainly post on Instagram and TikTok but now that I’m releasing more music, I’m trying my best to grow my Spotify!