Fashion Model and Influencer

I am Sophie Mallek and I am 20 years old I’m from Chicago! I live in Arizona and model in LA! I have been modeling for around 7 years.

Contact Info

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Instagram: @sophie.mallek



  • Gladys Magazine

  • BoutineLA

  • Lounge Underwear

  • Gianni Giavinchi

  • Florence Musk

Social Media Stats

Followers: 12K followers on Instagram

Reach: 280K accounts reached (90 days)

Gender: 50% Men, 50% Women


How did you get started in the modeling industry?

Sophie: I started in the fashion industry when I was 12 and I began modeling for a local photographer, and then I moved on to pageants not too much later!

What is your favorite brand?

Sophie: Some of my favorite brands are Tommy Hilfiger, Guess, Revolve, and Free People.

What do you like most about them?

Sophie: I’ve been obsessed with Tommy since I was probably 11 as well, I love the style of Guess and how they do everything, Revolve has anything you could ever need, and free peoples jeans are to die for.

What advice do you have for people looking to get more out of social media?

Sophie: Some advice I have is to just not care, ignore the negativity, you only get one life and you are responsible for making it yours. Breathe and everything will be okay.

What’s the best way for people to find you on social media?

Sophie: The best way to find me on social media is at @sophie.mallek on Instagram!